For this second edition, 8 authors have been selected. Coming from all walks of life - United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, Republic of Korea, via Italy and the United States - these authors offer us recent and sometimes avant-garde creations. The 2019 official selection allows the viewer to grasp the full range of practices in Animated Dance, from 2D and 3D animations to experimental animations, including VR and live and stage performances.
* Commented presentation of the authors and their selected creations
* Attribution of special mentions: "animated dance nuggets"
Friday 06 December
The Three Litchis / The Mountain
Saint-Denis of Reunion
8 p.m.
- booking is recommended -
© 2014-2019 All rights reserved
Interlude - 2018
A fragmented vision of the body moving through time, this animation explores timelines of passing, meeting and physically poetic moments of contact. Sometimes the constant notion of moving forward through time can blind us from the fickle present and the freedom to become lost within it.
2D Animation
Gregory Bennett - NEW ZEALAND
Study#1 - 2015
STUDY #1 is a dance and animation collaboration by Gregory Bennett and Jennifer Nikolai. The piece explores choreographic prompts and improvisation using 3D digital motion capture and animation technology. The live dancer is inscribed into a 3D visualization which references both drawing practice such as the sketch, and experimental animation, particularly Len Lye and Norman McLaren and their studies in moving image and sound.
3D Animation
Steve Morrison - UNITED KINGDOM
Akkadian Night Music - 2016
Akkadian Night Music is an experimental film using animated flour, puppetry, and stop-frame animation. Inspired by dream sequences from the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh, the film enacts a night-theater where nature, denial, regret, and acceptance dance together in a meditative space.
Experimental Animation
BookAnima - 2016
BOOKANIMA, a compound word of Book and Anima, is Experimental Animation to give new cinematic life to book.
It aims to create Book Cinema in the third scope between Book and Cinema. Animation links Book to Cinema. Along the way, it experiments Locomotion based on Chronophotography Animation, paying homage for Edward Muybridge and Etienne Jules-Marey.
It experiments locomotion of Dance along with its stream: Ballet-Korean dance-Modern dance-Jazz dance-Aerial Silk-Tap dance-Aerobic-Disco-Break dance-Hip hop-Social dance.
Experimental 2D Animation
Eric Minh Cuong Castaing - FRANCE
The Golden Age - 2018
Referring to the blessed times told by Greek mythology when Men and Gods lived together in harmony, LÂge or is a medium-length film featuring meeting disabled children and dancers. The children are equipped with virtual reality glasses, which allow them to see in real time what the dancers see. Exalting the physical and sensitive particularities of children, the device gradually makes us slip into a world of fiction. Inside the glasses of the latter vibrate the images of another era, dreamlike and shared, of which they seem to be the demi-gods. It is the advent of a new Golden Age.
Experimental AR Animation
Nie Yiyao - USA
Mitochondria - 2018
Mitochondria is an interactive dance piece, live performed by the dancers. It conveys the raw passion of life, exhibits changes, developments and evolution of two lives.
Scenic & live entertainment
Alessandro “Mynus” Scaglione - ITALY
“ViMotion” - 2018
around 1:00 p.m.
ViMotion is an interactive dance show which overturns the traditional scheme where dancers enact a choreography over a fixed musical base. In ViMotion, with their movements on stage dancers are directly influencing projected images and played music, thus creating a strong connection between visuals, music and dance.
The bodies of the dancers and their movements are tracked by an infrared camera for real time graphics.
Scenic & live entertainment
Uplift - 2019
A glance exchanged, and the chemistry felt between these two men is expressed as a dance...a moment that might have been.
2D Animation