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We are pleased to screen 16 animated dance video creations by international authors (France, Canada, United States, Germany, Spain). The entire selection in 2D Animations, 3D Animations and Mixed and Experimental Animations will be presented Thursday, December 13 at the Canter Theater in Saint-Denis de La Réunion. This evening of inauguration and presentation of the FIDA festival will allow us to define the specificities and particularities in dance animation for each of the categories. 13 artists were selected, from all walks of life, representative of the genre or at its borders.
* Commented presentation of the authors and their selected creations
* Attribution of special mentions: "animated dance nuggets"
Thursday December 13
Vladimir Canter Theater,
University campus of Moufia - Sainte-Clotilde
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Free admission
Vladimir Canter Theater / Plural Stage

Boris Seewald - GERMANY

"Disco" - 2016
Boris Seewaldanimated this dance from 1250 different sketches for the electronic music producer Ralf Hildenbeutel. By keeping the frame-by-frame animation readable, the dance seems to emerge from the paper, the grain of which is perceptible. Note the perfect match between the soundtrack and the animation. From a multitude of expressions is born a dance that finds grace and linearity; from chaos and fragmentation emerges sweetness and simplicity. A force of choreographic proposal for this animated dance which receives the "Animated dance nugget" of this 2018 edition.

2D Animation
Iveta Karpathyova - CANADA

“ Phases of Dance ” - 2017
A dance animation composed of 2,100 illustrations informing, through the prism of rotoscoping, a bachata dance. Using live action as the basis of its work, this four-month production included the choreographic creation and filming of the dance performance by Iveta Karpathyova and Pavlo Farmakidis. In her interpretive process, image by image, at the rate of 12 images per second, Karpathyova analyzes the visual and technical aspects of her dance practice through pencil, charcoal, ink or watercolor.

2D Animation
Denis Poulin - CANADA

“ Passage” - 2018
In a strange environment, a dancing body is discovered. Made in motion capture, this short dance animation entitled "Passage" announces an upcoming project composed of several choreographic scenes.
" CODA, The Finale of The Rite of Spring" - 2014
From the shimmering ground slowly emerges a cluster of moving particles. The form is soon joined by several others, all similar, which dance like luminous bodies in the infinite space of the cosmos. These bodies with precarious status are shattered, are constantly made and undone to the rhythm of the finale of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring...
Using motion capture (MoCap) and particle processing, Denis Poulin and Martine Époque evoke nature, metaphorically approaching ecological themes by offering in the same gesture a contemporary reinterpretation of The Rite of Spring.From a cloud of shiny particles is thus born a world, a universe which is also a digital stage and where a first dancer is profiled evolving in a first environment...
CODA is both a genesis and an apocalypse, a demiurgic myth of the creation of the world, a condensed universe where space and time collide, unfold, dissolve...

2D Animation

3D Animation

" Quagma " (Episode "Deep Journey") - 2015
In 2015 Loan released his second album“In Space Time”with numerous featurings and collaborations (Juice Aleem, Bang On!, Antipop Consortium, Clozee, Guillaume Perret). An explosive album which is accompanied by a short film "Quagma» highlighting Dance with the hip hop dance company "RAF Crew". She also succeeded in convincing the prodigious dancer and choreographer Kaori Ito to take part in this project: an unexpected encounter that certainly gave viewers vertigo... 3 episodes were made for this short film, where different universes and styles of dance/music are approached. This short film received the Special Jury Prize at the Aubagne International Film Festival.
The episode "deep Journey" offers an advanced and fine animation of the real shooting, which comes to nourish, modify and extend the language of the dancer.

Experimental Animation
Emilie Tronche - FRANCE

“ CUT ” - 2018
CUT was produced as part of a workshop at the Angoulème Animation Cinema School in partnership with a hospital. In this short prevention, the author evokes the dissociation of the body and the spirit caused during an addiction. For the construction of her animation, Emilie breaks the constraints of a classic storyboard and tends towards improvisation. By alternating video references and imagination, she offers us a liberating animated dance.
“ TARIBY ” - 2017
In this short study, the young author experiments with stereoscopic animation and offers a tribute to Norman MacLaren's "Pas de deux". In his work in graphite pencil, borrowed from video references, we can recognize a short passage from "Sinnerman" by the Alvin Ailey Company. During editing, the host superimposes, stacks, assembles and shifts to offer a lively and rhythmic animated dance.

2D Animation

2D & 3D Animation
Mbotti - (Kazak Productions) - FRANCE
“ Make it Soul ” - 2018
In this animated short, Jean-Charles Mbotti revives James Brown and Solomon Burke. The author once again bears witness to the importance of dance as a means of expression in its own right in two-dimensional animation. The dance sequence gives pride of place to non-verbal communication. In homage to James Brown, we let ourselves be carried away in a lively dance in fusion with soul music.

2D Animation
Noémie Deslot / FRANCE
« The Box » - 2018
By analyzing what the closed box refers to in the collective imagination, Noémie explores the absence of direct perception, allowing mental projections to come to you, the richness of which goes beyond what is strictly visible. From this reflection, the young visual artist explores the ritual aspect of the box (in connection with the relics), the intimate meditation near a sacred or even magical object; and on the other hand, the notion of irreversible openness, of fatality (present in Pandora or Psyche). It is therefore on these two grounds that she developed the choreography, on a musical theme by jazzman John Surman.

2D Animation
Carolina Diz - USA
“ A Bird's Fate ” - 2017
This piece was produced in part with New York University. Carolina filmed a one-minute dance, then animated 864 frames. 11 people got involved in transcribing this dance image by image by hand. It's a different personality that shines through behind the pencil, behind every second.
Greg Rathje created a "tango-esque" soundtrack in tune with modern dance, choreographed by Julieta Tetelbaum, to depict the struggle of an artist in an overly strict society.


2D Animation
Kristen Shaeffer - USA
“ 349 ” - 2015
Created with hundreds of pencils and hundreds of hands, 349 is a collaborative animated film that explores the idea that we are all imperceptibly connected. A duo dance performance was recorded and converted into a series of still images. 349 different people have redrawn an image fixing the movement of the two bodies. the instruction: represent yourself and represent someone with whom you have an important relationship. The resulting drawings were scanned, sequenced and synchronized to the music to create this animated dance which is particularly original in its process.

2D Animation
Freya Björg Olafson - CANADA
« Painting With The Man » - 2017- 3:37
'Painting with the Man' was made with a cameraless motion capture system developed by Freya Olafson. Her work refers to Yves Klein's series of Anthropometries from the 1960s in which the artist used naked women as 'human brushes'. In this dance animation, Olafson uses a generic 3-dimensional male body that is printed and multiplied on the canvas that has become a screen. A wink, which uses dance with humor to question our relationship to the body in the multimedia age.

3D Animation
Guillaume Marin - CANADA
“ Bleed Toaster” - 2017
"An orbiting of red and black. Coordinated by editing to reach a new galaxy. Neither dancing nor editing nor collage
Encounter between the human and the form in a pareidolia universe."
Guillaume Marin slices, cuts, jerks and animates the movement to offer another videography of bodies. An experimental animated dance, contemporary and singular, which completely transports the spectator into this universe: the danced, mental intention, is made visible here thanks to a precise work of the image, while leaving its share to the spontaneous expression of the imagination.

Experimental / Mixed Animation
Blas Payri - SPAIN
“ Circumvolutions #3” - 2018
An exploration of abstract movement following a rhythm marked by the music. Given a specific tempo (beat) that the dancers follow, the postproduction process creates a new choreography that uses a kaleidoscopic transformation, leading to changes in "movement density" and global light that are adapted to the evolution of the music.
“Three looks at Bacome” - 2018
In this three-part abstract dance video, the visual textures, colors and composition of the image are created by slowing down movement in time as much as possible. An approach which makes it possible to capture, by the trace, the dancing body of Bacôme Niamba, dancer. Blas Payri's experimental animation explores the graphic potential of the animated image from live action, a space where the dancing body becomes a paintbrush: a grasp of reality - and by the same token, of dance - is made possible by a process of abstraction, in correlation with his musical work.

Experimental Animation
Laetitia Loison - FRANCE

« Mechanical Dance » - 2018
Danse Mécanique is a graduation film produced as part of the LISAA animation school.
One evening, at dusk, on a dressing table, a music box in the shape of a Fabergé egg is wound up. A small porcelain dancer begins to turn mechanically to the rhythm of the music, until the cogs of the box lock. The little dancer then discovers that she is able to move, the mechanism starts up again and puts her back in her original, frozen position. She then begins a fight against the music box. She frees herself, comes out of the egg. Free, she looks out the window dazzled by the morning light.

3D Animation