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Hangars Numeriques

Laboratory of interdisciplinary creations

 Project partners

Ancre 1

Ministry of Culture

The Ministry of Culture provides us with valuable support for the proper functioning of the structure and the permanent employment of specialized professionals in the territory. Thanks !
Winner of the 2020 dance film distribution system, the General Management for Artistic Creation / Dance delegation also accompanied us for the third edition of FIDA#.


The Reunion Region

The Réunion Region has been accompanying and supporting us for the development of FIDA# on the territory since 2019. Thank you!

DRAJES - Regional Academic Delegation for Youth, Commitment and Sports


Partner of the Academic Region, we welcome young volunteers in Civic Service in order to
contribute to equal opportunities and promote social and cultural diversity.
Young people get involved in a mission with a cultural vocation within our structure while developing a project for the future of citizenship.

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National Network for Hybrid and Digital Arts

Hangars Numériques is a member of HacNum. The purpose of the association is to structure, organize and develop ecosystems of hybrid arts and digital cultures in France. The network brings together more than seventy players representing these sectors to defend cross-professional interests. We joined the Board of Directors in 2022.


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The Culture pass was born from the desire to provide young people with a new system to promote access to culture in order to strengthen and diversify cultural practices, by revealing the richness of the territories. The professional platform allows us to promote our programming and offer artistic and cultural offers for young people.

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We are happy to deploy interventions within schools on the territory, in partnership with The Academy of Reunion, with classes with artistic and cultural projects.



The Culture pass was born from the desire to provide young people with a new system to promote access to culture in order to strengthen and diversify cultural practices, by revealing the richness of the territories. The professional platform allows us to promote our programming and offer artistic and cultural offers for young people.

The Association of Dance Researchers

Hangars Numériques is a member of ACD, an association created by and for dance researchers. It makes visible a wide range of specialties and approaches, in a dynamic exchange of ideas, methods and practices in dance.

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Hangars Numériques is a contributor to Supported and coordinated by the Maison de la Danse in Lyon, Numeridanse was imagined by director Charles Picq. The dance platform is a community site and a resource site.



As part of our productions, we are happy to collaborate with the ILOi - establishment of higher education in vocational training based in Reunion and co-financed by Europe, the Reunion Region with the participation of the city of Port. The school is part of the RECA - Network of French Schools of Animation Cinema and offers trans-media training in 2D/3D animation cinema, interactive design, audiovisual and video games.

Lalanbik - resource center for choreographic development Indian Ocean


Lalanbik contributes to the influence of dance authors across the Indian Ocean.
For 3 years, we have worked with the Indian Ocean Choreographic Development Resource Center for the development of digital tools and communications in the service of dance.

For its second and third edition in Reunion, ourgenre festival is supported, thank you!
Regularly, we work with Lalanbik for the development and dissemination of animated dance productions and co-productions from our research and creation laboratory.



The Culture pass was born from the desire to provide young people with a new system to promote access to culture in order to strengthen and diversify cultural practices, by revealing the richness of the territories. The professional platform allows us to promote our programming and offer artistic and cultural offers for young people.

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Our jazz partner! We work with the association on many projects, in support of the local jazz scene in Reunion.



As part of its mission of mediation and digital inclusion, Hangars Numériques is empowered to support the public in their administrative and civic procedures on FranceConnect.



The network of overseas DIGITAL MEDIATION players



The SOLIDARNUM association has set itself the objectives of actively participating in the harmonious digital development of the territories of Reunion and the Overseas Territories, by allowing the reduction of the digital divide affecting certain social or geographical layers of the population by leading a network of actors. offering digital inclusion actions or services.

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Registered in the digital solidarity program dedicated to associations, endowment funds, foundations recognized as being of public utility, and public libraries, Hangars Numériques benefits from solutions in terms of training, software and information, particularly concerning digital ecology.



A reference insurer for associations since 1954, MAIF has been our partner of choice since our creation in 2014. Our insurance helps support us in the pursuit of our actions with a positive social and environmental impact.

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