First dance festival entirely dedicated to animation, the event aims to stimulate and encourage creation where dance and animated image mingle.
FIDA# contributes to the establishment of a single platform exchange and encounter, a bridge between dancers, choreographers and moving image animators.
Platform / Catalog
- Collective -
The festival, unique in its kind, wishes to highlight and promote creations where the imagination and the pictorial world take precedence over real shots. In this sense, are solicited the realizations presenting a work of choreographic animation (cartoons, animations of synthesis, stop motions, animations real time, etc.). The scenic forms or installations concerned are invited to send a video recording. The festival favors dance animation, and ranges from the most traditional to the most experimental.
- Animated dance -
Hangars Numériques brings together the creators of this hybrid discipline, constantly renewed by technological advances, in order to better represent them, in a collection carefully collected thanks to this annual call for participation.
Hangars Numériques is a catalog of festival selections, made accessible via the research and study platform on the transition from the dancing body to the image. This collection constitutes the animated dance archives. Any dissemination outside this internet platform and the performance venues of this cultural festival is not envisaged.