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Hangars Numeriques


Created in 2014, Hangars Numériques is an association law 1901 bringing together different skills inherent in the field ofdigital creation interdisciplinary. It brings together  videographers, dancers, musicians, sound and light technicians,  computer scientists and photographers.


The purpose of the association is topromote development and research in creation;train, learn, acquire new skills, but alsoto transmitto others in a spirit ofknowledge sharingandexchange between practices.

The association regularly supports various artistic and cultural projects: transdisciplinary festivals, artistic and cultural associations, emerging artists, etc. 

Internally, the structure and its members develop many projects, organized around two artistic poles: image and music. Its flagship project is the International Festival of Animated Dancewhich takes place in December in Reunion, supported by theAnimated Dance Research Center.

Ultimately, the association aims to promote international cultural exchanges between visual artists, dancers/choreographers and musicians.

Ancre 1

Digital Hangars / Saint-Denis de La Réunion         _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ HangarsNumeriquesAssociation

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