International Festival of ANIMATED Dance
A showcase of a genre for professionals and the public
The International Festival of Animated Dance is an event entirely dedicated to the promotion of a genre, artistic and cultural, which takes shape at the crossroads of dance and the animated image resulting from digital arts, animation cinema or even plastic arts.
This is a moment of international influence of dance animations in all their forms: 2D animations, 3D animations, mixed and experimental animations, live animations, mapping, interactive, AR/VR and scenic.
The ambition of the festival is to invite the public to discover animated dance through screenings, retrospectives, meetings and exchanges with the actors of a transdisciplinary and emerging genre.
For five years, Hangars Numériques has affirmed the need for a unique setting for professionals and the public. The programming is articulated online and on site, with particular attention to young audiences. The festival is also the time for restitutions of co-production and production residencies led by the specialized study and research centre. Specific performances and actions invite us to question the artistic, but also philosophical, underlying issues of the genre.
The course of the festivities takes place in December in Reunion island and is also accessible online.
* Discovery, study and education in digital choreographic culture
* Opening of a unique performance space for animated dance, online and offline
* Dissemination, support and cultural development to amateur and professional audiences
* Exchange, interaction and co-construction of the gaze between artists, professionals and audiences
* Promotion, federation & representation of authors